Diet and Nutrition

Why food is always on my mind and how I overcome it

Binge eating disorder is denoted when compulsive overeating occur. The symptom mainly occurs when people consume huge amounts of food due to lack of control. The symptoms usually begin in late adolescence. At this age, binge eaters often eat even when the

This holiday, eat sensibly and have fun

It’s holiday time and everyone would be on their toes with excitement hoping to fulfill their wishes by partying harder and celebrating. But it is not sensible to start off hogging or brunching. The holiday season is generally filled with parties, family

Healthy Bites: 10 Foods that fight cold and flu

Changing weather or having excess cold drinks are some key factors of getting cold and flu. To deal with this, don’t just get tempted to some brightly colored cold syrup. Instead full your fridge with lots of green vegetables which are rich in vitamins

10 Healthy fast foods for mommies to be

Pregnancy is one of the most important phases of life. You must therefore be utmost careful about what you feed yourself and your baby inside during this period. Pregnancy brings with it infamous cravings. However, you must not succumb to mindless binging

10 Healthy ways to incorporate pears into your meals

Pear, the delicious fruit has immense nutritional value. There are a variety of pears species, grown all over the world which can be added to your daily meal. You can make some delicious recipes packed with nutrition for your family. These recipes are sim

Healthy Bites: 10 Nutritious foods diabetic can relish

Diabetes has become a very common disease especially among the youth. This disease is caused due to the incapability of body to take in insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the body metabolism, because of this hormone cells in liver, muscles, fat

Healthy Bites: 10 Fatty food items that are good for you

All of us have been told time and again that fatty foods aren’t good for health. We have been reminded about these foods time and again having a high fat content that can choke our arteries, raise cholesterol, and make us fat and susceptible to a large nu

10 Winter foods to keep you healthy

Winter is the time for festivities and celebrations. The chilly wind coupled with the morning fog makes it a season for infections. Runny nose, congested sinus, cough, fever and breathing problems prevent us from enjoying the Christmas and New Year partie

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