Diet and Nutrition

10 Foods for healthy heart

While cardiac problems have become common these days, hitting every third individual, researches are being constantly carried out to discover ways that will keep heart related ailments under control. Recent researches on the relationship of food with huma

Healthy Bites: 15 cancer fighting foods

Cancer is a deadly health problem, killing several people annually across the globe. One of the best ways to protect yourself against cancer is to consume cancer fighting foods. The American Cancer Society has recommended some foods, which can protect yo

Healthy Bites: 10 Foods that make you wiser

Over the last few years people are attaching more than just flavor benefits to food. Along with taste, people are attaching more health benefits to their meal. The meaning of diet has also evolved. From being restrictive, it has moved onto being something

Healthy Bites: 10 Foods that help you increase muscle mass

If you workout and have a desire of increasing your muscle mass, then you have to keep in mind several things before you choose your diet. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks for the muscle tissues. So for an increase in the size or mass of y

Healthy Bites: 10 Magic foods that burn fat

Exercise is an essential and important factor in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But, exercise alone will not help to get stay slim, fit and fine. It is very important to know which food is best for weight loss. There are some foods whi

Can I cook with the help of the pictures of cooking?

I have some pictures of cooking and I was thinking to try the recipe with the help of the pictures. But before I try out the recipe I want to know will it be wise to start cooking with just the help of pictures and nothing else? Do you think I will be abl

How do I search for cooking games apt for an official outing?

After the voting it turned out that the most of the colleagues want some cooking games in our yearly official outing. Please tell me how do I search for cooking games apt for an official outing? Do you have any innovative ideas that you would like to shar

Can anyone give details on the games for girls?

I really fed up with PC games for 10 years old. I need something exciting and really knowledgeable. I have some info about cooking and restaurant games but I have never played them. Also, I have no idea which one is good for girls and how to play them? Ca

Should I buy twisted cooking mama fun game?

I have heard about fun cooking games. I want to know about twisted cooking mama and I want to know from you if you have purchased it or played it before? I also want to know your opinion about this? Should I buy twisted cooking mama fun game? Kindly give

How to incorporate fiber to your diet?

You can have a healthy body only if you incorporate all the essential nutrients into your daily diet. The essential nutrients to be included in your daily diet are vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. In this article, we shall discuss the various way

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