
Modifying flavors: Pasta and mushrooms

Brock, I think this a simplified version of Jason’s, Pasta with sausage and mushroom. But you have inspired me enough to further modify this version. Well, I would begin with substituting red pepper seasoning with a green chili sauce. While mushrooms go..

Saucing up the baked beans and bacon

Thanks Bush brothers, for giving this simple yet creative way to bake beans. I have come across a couple of recipes with beans and bacon pairing, but this recipe is good as it is open to modifications.
While butter beans give a wonderful aroma after…

Japanese casserole: Shrimp stewed up with veggies

Thanks Kuri, for perfectly pairing seafood with the vegetables. This sweet and sour broth might be a very good substitute for white wine, as the ingredients in the broth make it worth the pairing. While soy sauce had to be there in a Japanese broth,…

Seafood stew: Sticking to conventions

Hey, Robert I don’t think it was necessary to swap tomato juices with white wine in a seafood stew. If it is a seafood stew you could have added vegetable stock or the codfish stock in place of white wine.
I think it is not enough to saute onions and…

Beef paired with black beans

Thanks Perrero, it is a great soup from the leftovers. But I feel you could have seared the shredded beef in some red wine for great flavor. Moreover, after adding red pepper as the seasoning I don’t see any point adding black pepper as overdoing…

Cabbage- Shrimps: Adding flavors to the pair

Thanks Pinoy cook for teaching us to cook healthy. I still remember your post on baked fish. Sauteing onions, garlic and cabbage, fish sauce and coriander will enhance the flavor of the dish.
Nevertheless, dressing the shrimps in a fish sauce or…

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