The Constellation survey has come up with a wine demography. This demography opens a display of all kinds of wine drinkers. It educates us about wine enthusiasts who are passionate about their wine drinking and carve out a whole experience out of it to share it with their friends and families. Image seekers go for a sophisticated label, instead of funky, colorful ones aimed at attracting the young crowd. Savvy Shoppers have an entire different dimension amidst wine drinkers, as they match the value of wines with the quality of wine. Traditionalists by name go for wines made in well-known winery, while the satisfied sippers can settle down with anything that falls under the category of good wine.
Overwhelmed consumers tend to show their ignorance as far as wine shopping goes, as their choices are determined by shelf descriptions and staff recommendations.
Every wine drinker has its own perspective towards choosing wine, but overwhelmed drinkers compose the major set. They cannot win common acceptance for their choice of wines, but at the end of the day, they turn out to be the most versatile, with their varied choices.
Placing perspectives before wine