Organic foods are the foods, fruits or vegetables that are grown by organic farming. It is a well known fact that there is a benefit in organic stuff, not only food; i.e. fruits and veggies, but also clothing and even mattresses. Every one of us needs the best thing for out health and body. We list down some of the best food trends in this year in the organic category.
Lusting from Lentils
Lentils, high in protein and fiber and free of gluten and soy are used a lot on regular basis. From pasta to waffles, lentils are everywhere this year as the quest for new plant-based protein sources continues to rise.
Beetroot, the red root vegetable is slowly increasing to be the most sought after organic food and is not only used in salads but also juices, yogurt and dehydrated food strips.
Oats are a popular example of drinkable grains; easy to digest and helps in metabolism, When grounded, it lend a creamy texture to smoothies. Other example is Chia seeds that are also used the same way.
Bee-less Honey
With growing concern about Colony Collapse and the resulting increase in honey sourced from China and now the food companies have started making artificial bee-less honey from fruit-based formulations.
Research suggests a strong connection between some of the hormones given to cattle and cancer in humans, particularly breast cancer. So if you think there is a risk in eating chicken, the most important source of protein is beef.
Foods for the Gut
Customers are reaching out for foods rich in prebiotics, cobiotics and probiotics. Nowadays there are many foods whose main objective is to keep your gut happy and help in metabolism.
Savory sauces and dressings are boosting the nutritional status of salads, pastas and other entrees. Look for dessert sauces like chocolate and caramel toppings to come enriched with calcium and protien high cake frosting.
Afro Foods
Africa is being described as a “hotbed of exotic super foods” for vitamin-packed foods like baobab, moringa leaf and bissap tea.
Labeled Organics
The new badge of honor is GMO-Free Project Verified seal. It is present on all packages. With these food trends, organic food industry will surely go places.
Summary – The following article gives you information about the top foods that are trending in the organic category.