The perfect meal debate continues

The Bubble and Squeak blogger suggests not to experiment with dishes or cuisines while you have invited guests for a meal. It is better to try with a new dish the day before you invite someone. Even better to have a whole range of gourmet for the meal instead of following the regular culinary delights on stove. In other, words the meals can range from a baked delight, to grilled foods or may be something steamed or fried. If you are hosting a lunch , it is good to pair it with a wine. The blogger gives a model of a good meal to choose from. It comprises of a Thai green curry , garlic prawns,stir fried Chinese greens and a dessert platter.
Well, with such a wide range of dishes, out of which two are non-veg dishes, it can be a perfect meal when quite good number of people are invited for a meal.

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