Culinary aficionados in Chicago city, are very disappointed on the ban of foie gras. Joe Moore, wants to ban this as feels that the ducks are tortured, before the actual slaughter. Grains are forced down the oesophagus of the goose, which leads to bloating up of its liver. This bloated liver when cooked produces a creamy flavor.
Well, Joe Moore could have banned it for better reasons, like avoiding bird flu. However, ‘goose torture’is no reason why foie gras should be banned. Katsumura, chef-owner of the Lake View restaurant can list down his favorites in veal and pork, but at the same time admits that he cannot think of consuming them if he thinks of the amount of torture these creatures are subjected to in the slaughterhouses.
Therefore, Moore should think of setting up a campaign on vegetarianism rather than pass bills to ban foie gras.
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Banning foie gras is a fiasco