Diet and Nutrition

What are all healthy eating foods?

I am 23 years old and I am a college student and my health has deteriorated in the recent times which is all due to the junk food which I used to have frequently. Last week I even had a stomach infection. Now I am looking to change my eating habits and fo

What are the foods rich in fibre?

Yesterday I had a diagnosis and my doctor told me that I have low fiber diet which is resulting a deficiency in fiber in me. As I am a working woman so I don’t get much time to eat whole day so I want to know some fiber foods recipes that I can cook and

What all will constitute food and healthy eating for kids?

I am a mother and I am here for my kids. I have two kids and both are school going. My concern is their eating habits. They are always after the junk food and avoid the healthier food stuff. Now I want them to change their eating habits and for that I wou

Can anyone help me with a few healthy eating ideas?

My 10 years old son is a fussy eater, and don’t know how to imbibe healthy eating ideas in him, as he doesn’t seem to appreciate nutritious food. I want to plan his meals so that he can enjoy his favorite snacks without really fretting about healthy food

Can anyone enlighten me about cholesterol reducing foods?

My husband is suffering from high cholesterol problem, and I am quite concerned about his health. I know it has all happened due to his wrong eating habits. In fact, he would never miss a chance to binge on junk food like a toddler! Hereby, I want to know

What are the food hygiene regulations of Minnesota?

Can you tell me what are the food hygiene regulations of Minnesota? Can you give me a complete list of the regulations? Can you also tell me what are the names of the websites of the departments that roll out these food hygiene regulations? Is it legal to

Which are all vitamin d foods?

I am 47 years old and I had my menopause last year. It was a very bad experience for me and from that time onwards I have been facing this problem of osteoporosis. My bones have become fragile and my doctor has advised me to take foods which are high in v

What are all foods that can be termed as carbohydrate foods?

I am on diet and my dietitian has advised me avoid the foods containing high carbohydrate. I am looking to follow a proper diet routine this time and I don’t want anything to go wrong for me. I want the people to help me out with this and tell me as to wh

How do the anti aging foods work?

I am 38 years old and my age has started to play tricks with me now. I have been getting the signs of aging for some time which have become quite frequent now. One of my friends has advised me to use the anti-aging foods for myself which he uses himself.

What are all good cholesterol foods?

My husband is 42 years old and he has been suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol for 2 years now. He has been taking all the required medicines but that’s not enough. The doctor has advised him to take care of his diet as well. Now as I am th

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