Farinha flour: Cassava roots sans poison


farinhaThe cassava root are poisonous when eaten raw, well it is not eaten by the Brazilians in the raw form. The manioc or cassava is made edible by pulverizing the root and by pressing it under a weight to extract the poisonous juice. The residue is then powdered to make flour called as farinha de mandioca. Its culinary usage is similar to that of a salt and pepper seasoning on table tops. The most amazing rather weird part of the cassava juice is that the juice is boiled down to remove poison and is used in many traditional Brazilian dishes as a sauce. The farinha is also mixed with ground fish to make a sauce called as pacoka, or pacoca.

As a Brazilian delicacy, the sweet manioc strips are fried and served as snacks…call it Brazil Fries. Farinha flour is also used to make cheese rolls, from the flour called as polvilhos. The weird part of farinha is that so many efforts in extracting the poison from a poisonous root, in other words farinha flour has bread making properties, so make it edible.
Bread-rom-farinha: Congo cook

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