Add chocolaty punch to your coffee

Coffee with chocolaty punch

In this festive season, if you are planning to make some different recipes which are easy, quick and yet tasty, then try coffee with chocolaty punch. This coffee is just like a regular coffee, but it has a rich chocolaty flavor due to chocolate syrup which can lift your mood anytime, every time.

Complexity level: Easy

Time taken: 10-15 minutes


  • ½ cup whipped cream
  • 1 tablespoon coffee powder
  • Sugar according to taste
  • ½-tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1-2 tablespoon chocolate syrup
  • 1-cup hot coffee
  • ¼-tablespoon ground nutmeg


Take a cup and add whipping cream, instant coffee, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Keep this mixture in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours and then whip this mixture until it becomes fluffy and light. Now add 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup in another mug. Add hot coffee and mix well with a tablespoon. Add 1 tablespoon of whipped cream mixture over the coffee using a spoon. Sprinkle some chocolate powder over the cream. Serve hot.


  • Coffee should be hot when served.
  • Cream should be whipped enough.

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